Playtime in the Park!
Coloring Sheets

Park Pals


Friends Helping Friends

Ponder and Friends

Craft Time

In our episode "The Hat" a crown washes up on the shore of Noah's Park, leading the Pals to learn an important lesson about what it really means to be king! For a fun family activity, make your own bejeweled creation, watch our episode, and the lessons with your family.
Supplies Needed: Construction paper, scissors, scotch tape, glue, glitter, markers, jewels or foam shapes.

Create these adorable pieces of animal art using heart-shapes and talk with your family about God's love for his creation - both animal and human!
Supplies Needed: Construction paper, scissors, glue, paper bag (for puppet), googly eyes (if desired)
Pro-Tip: Fold paper in half to cut shapes for perfectly symmetrical hearts!

For the Love of Animals
Prepare fruit by slicing bananas and kiwi, cutting off strawberry tops and cutting melon into triangle shapes.
Skewer fruit onto popsicle sticks as shown.
Serve and enjoy! (for extra sweetness serve with whipped cream or chocolate dipping sauce)

Enjoy a healthy snack and watch our episode "Honk and the Tidy Turtle" to see Dreamer and Honk try to reach the sky with their very own "Rock-et" invention.

God's Promises Window Hanging
Create a colorful reminder that God always keeps his promises. Hang it in a window to let the sun shine through the bright colors or let it blow in the wind! Either way, each time you look at the lovely rainbow, you'll remember God's promise to Noah and the promises He is faithful to keep today!
Supplies Needed: Colorful tissue paper, paper plates, scissors, cotton balls, string, glue.